Gessato Design Store
Gessato Design Store


KIHARA, INC. stands as a prominent Japanese porcelain manufacturer nestled in Arita, a historically renowned porcelain hub with a legacy spanning four centuries. Arita porcelain possesses a distinct character that sets it apart, particularly evident in its radiant white hue and intricate artwork. The historical narrative traces back to a period when Arita porcelain experienced a surge in demand in Europe, facilitated by the VOC (Dutch East India Company). In the contemporary landscape, Arita retains its traditional methods that have endured for four centuries, seamlessly interwoven with modern practices like 3D design and precision machining of porcelain. This juncture marks the emergence of a new era, one where Arita porcelain embodies an amalgamation of age-old techniques and innovative craftsmanship, resulting in fresh and captivating manifestations. With an unwavering commitment, we continually explore novel and imaginative avenues to introduce Arita porcelain to the global stage, envisioning its impact for the forthcoming 400 years and beyond.

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